a well-known clothing brand selling their premium collection of men’s golf clothing and accessories.







Oscar Jacobson had been running Google ads for a few months due to sparked interest through the national lockdown, but they quickly realised they needed some additional help to take their campaigns to the next level.


We were consulted to estimate the potential growth if we expanded beyond an automated brand campaign. The client wanted to know how much more revenue we could drive in October while maintaining similar levels of efficiency in ROAS and CVR.

There were several unique factors to consider going into their 4th month of activity. Most importantly inconsistent consumer trends as a result of regularly adapting to COVID-19. Whether it be changing tiers or national lockdown we had to weigh these expectations up with seasonal changes and sales events. Moving from Summer to Autumn their sales were going to move from polo shirts and golf shorts to jackets and waterproof trousers. They were also going to see benefits from Black Friday after October payday but possibly some reserved spending before then.

Lastly, there was a desire to grow new users rather than relying too heavily on returning who may have purchased via the direct or organic channels anyway.


Taking on the account our first action was to expand the keyword targeting to cover most of the Autumn range of products. However, we wanted to take advantage of the learnings to date. In this we were able to narrow the spend down to specific time ranges, devices, age groups and locations that previously displayed a higher level of intent to buy.

We also added golf-related affinity and in-market audiences and created 3 ads for every ad group with a tailored first headline and a split-tested third headline as an initial test. The plan being that we build a much larger account with solid foundations of which to switch over to automated bid strategies.

An initial challenge was that the original brand campaign was automated to deliver maximum clicks within budget. No conversion points were being tracked and so there was no ability to automate towards sales or revenue goals. We knew there was a lot of new elements that needed adding to the account, but we also knew that with no historical data we’d be having an unstable start. To combat this, we balanced the budget between our new campaigns and the old campaigns initially in order to smooth the transition.

We also knew the account had a lull period as you got further from the latest pay day. As many companies pay out wages either on the 26th, the last Friday or the last day of the month, we knew to expect a rise in sales from the 26th all the way through to roughly the 6th or 7th. However, we were in a unique position that November and December wouldn’t really suffer too much of a lull mid-month due to their sales events.

The new campaigns added were a branded and non-branded version of each product type they had on site. We also split the campaigns by Broad and Exact to enable us to have more budget control over specific searches. Additionally, we tested Smart Display and Smart Shopping campaigns working towards a target ROAS strategy just under the average for the account so far.

As we progressed through the month it appeared that the original campaign was declining in CVR and ROAS and so we were able to move this budget into our campaigns. We also noticed certain generic products were encouraging but weren’t performing quickly enough in the first month. And with strict targets we would have to return to them at a later date. This mostly left Shopping, Brand and our Jacket campaigns.


153% increase in sales

187% increase in revenue

233% increase in sessions

194% increase in new users